Simos, 4 y/o Coton de Tulear
Simos was awful - he would aggressively bark at dogs and people, did not let people pet him, and had bitten 2 people before I found Lori. To my amazement, Lori was able to get Simos to follow her and she could pet him during their first session.
He did the board and train program at Lori's house, getting lots of training on behaving nicely with dogs and people. He even had fun playing with other dogs! Now I can take him everywhere!
-- Alexandra
Spencer, 3 y/o Lab
Spencer was well behaved, except when it came to skateboards and segways. He would go absolutely crazy, almost yanking me off my feet. This made taking him anywhere stressful, as I was always on high alert, watching for skateboards. Now Spencer responds to small corrections from me, and I can relax and enjoy walking with him. Thank you Lori!
-- Jacqueline
Paxton, 5 y/o Cocker Spaniel
I adopted Paxton, a 5 year old Cocker Spaniel, and within a month he began to exhibit severe unwanted behaviors: He tried to bite guests; on leash he would growl, bare his teeth, and lunge at people and dogs. He attempted to chase trucks, and was exhibiting territorial issues, which all were beyond my knowledge and experience to deal with.
Paxton's training began the moment Lori entered my house and after a bit of in-home training, we went to the park for our first official one-on-one training session. Lori was able to demonstrate training techniques, verbally coach those methods, and convey an assurance that it was all going to work out in the end. I realized that Lori was actually training me to train Paxton.
The more I observed Lori around dogs, I could tell she loved what she was doing, and the dogs wanted to perform for her. Lori does not have a magic wand, but under her master tutelage, I employed the tools Lori gave me to correct Paxton's behavioral issues. Paxton became a completely different dog, and is happier and a much more adjusted member of the family.
The biggest compliment I can pay Lori and her training expertise is to praise her skills to friends and strangers who are in need of a dog trainer.
Lori can help you work miracles!
-- Kathy
Bear, Shiloh Shepherd
My large breed dog is a sweetheart and loves everyone. You could never have known that from the way he behaved before we started working with Lori! He barked aggressively at strangers and other dogs. Because he is such a large dog, people were frightened, and I took him out less and less.
Then someone accidentally let him out of the house and he barked at a police officer neighbor. Though our neighbor (after reaching for his taser) listened to us when we told him Bear was just frightened, and we quickly got our dog home, that was a very dangerous situation.
Enter Lori. She very quickly saw that there was nothing wrong with Bear. The problem was that he did not trust me as a leader and felt insecure in every new situation. Lori began to work with us. Over the weeks, I was gratified to see that Bear was beginning to respond to me more and more. He's a great dog and the more I asked of him, the more he gave.
I don't want anyone to think that Lori's approach is to force train. Far from that. She advocates a mixture of rewards, love, confidence, and firm expectations of behavior. I cried the first day I watched Lori training Bear. There was my magnificent boy showing all that he was capable of.
Now he does those things for me.
We're a team. He trusts that I'm in charge and he's enjoying a far happier life now that I take him with me everywhere. And I have a dog I'm proud & comfortable to introduce people to. He's a fabulous ambassador for his breed and none of that could have happened without Lori. He really is, as Lori's motto says, "a dog you can take anywhere."
-- Evelyne